As we continue to expand our effort to promote women-inclusive companies and decarbonization efforts, every quarter we are going to showcase one of the leading companies we…
We Empower Cities understands the obstacles that entrepreneurs face when launching a business, especially for the first time. Our objective is to expose women entrepreneurs to best practices for scaling their businesses, accelerating growth and attracting investment without compromising their commitment to their communities. That is why WEC offers a comprehensive suite of services that includes training, mentorship and business advisory services through technology and its dedicated network of successful professionals.
It provides a free on-line business training course for those who sign up to its platform (also enabling them to connect to other regional entrepreneurs). This course will allow the entrepreneurs to develop/improved their business plan, and then decide if they would like to participate in the Start-Up Challenge. It also provides access to technical sectoral experts; mentors to support and encourage leadership development through knowledge and experience; and advice on strategic and operational questions.